Monday, January 3, 2011

Electoral District Reform: Give Seats Directly to the Special Interests

A post at described the outcome of the 2012 Congressional elective"Transportation unions lost three seats...And the mining industry gained two new seats." Many states and Congressional districts are transparently dominated by one or a very few industries. So why don't we cut to the chase? Why don't we have legislators that represent labor unions and mineral extraction interests right on their name tags, instead of pretending to represent New Jersey or Wyoming?


  1. How does the mining industry feel about abortion? Where does the waning textile industry come in concerning nuclear disarmament? How does the recording industry feel about steroid use in professional sports? How does the AMA feel about net neutrality?

    Corporations don't have the same broad interests as individual humans. They are narrowly focused in the area where they do business.

    How do you even figure out who speaks for a whole industry? e.g. American Airlines and Southwest Airlines are going to want very different things from a representative in Dallas.

    Better to make reps wear NASCAR style corporate logo sponsor patches that are proportionally sized to the cash they get from each lobby or corporation.

  2. The suggestion is really more of an earnest proposal so that we start thinking along the same lines as you mention, that is to make the lines of influence more transparent.

  3. Actually, jackets are silly. Face tattoos would be better.
