Friday, February 15, 2019

"The Quixotic Single-Mindedness of the Live-Action-Role-Playing Russophile"

What a great piece this is, about a gathering of (very) left-of-center political activists. It sounds like a glorious mess, and I'm quite happy to read about it from a distance. Anything which contains phrases such as the one in the post title gets an automatic A+, but the gems keep coming: "Don't you just hate it when those fake-ass poseur environmentalists rip off your intersectionality? One would assume that in any intelligible scheme of political success, the mass 'appropriation' of their ideas/consciousness/jargon/acronyms would be the ultimate goal of these 'intersectional environmentalist' pioneers. But when you substitute po-mo politics for your personality, 'Moooooooom, he's coooooopying meeeee' quickly becomes a new standard of oppression."

Warning, anyone who has attended ideologically non-mainstream events may see a little (too much) of themselves reflected.

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